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OASIS zyme

A unique fertilizer derived from natural sources of vegetables and seaweed extracts which are processed with Cell & Cyst
Technology for organic soil enrichment. To give you optimum yield and best quality for fruit
orchards / floriculture: Gardens / Lawns and Crop i.e. Paddy Wheat, Sugarcane, Cotton, Corn, Mustard,
Sunflower, Potato, Pulses, Ornamental Plants, Medicinal Plants, all kind of vegetables & gardens usage.
Oasis Zyme is a powerful fertilizer composed absolutely of vitamins, proteins, green vegetation,
organic nutrients, phosphorous, potassium, nitrogen organic carbon, sulphur, zinc, copper, calcium,
manganese, cobalt, boron & molybdenum.
Organic fertilizer is super enriched scientifically under controlled conditions.

HIGHLIGHTS : The contents of 16 K.G. to 30 K.G. (depending on the soil / crop health)
Oasis Zyme is sufficient for root dipping depending on the specified crop.
CROPS : All type of crops.
COMPATIBILITY : Oasis Zyme is compatible with other insecticides and fungicides